Kick-Ass 2 Balls to the Wall Movie

Kick-Ass 2 Balls to the Wall Movie 2012Kick-Ass 2 arrives in theaters in 2012 . Kick Ass 2: Balls To The Wall, the sequel directed by Matthew Vaughn, will arrive in worldwide theatres in 2014?, according to Total Film. No official details is yet known about the distribution, but Aaron Johnson and Christopher Mintz-Plasse, two actors who have played in the first film, have shown an interest for the sequel. Mintz-Plasse said Kick Ass 2: Balls To The Wall will be something darker and more violent than the first movie. The Kick-Ass, the comic book heroes come to life in a big city with adventure and crime. Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson), a hardcore fan of comic books start dividing the left and right through the city, totally ignoring the fact that he has no super powers. Red Mist is bad bad bad Kick Ass 2. Still not really sure of his intentions will remain and the sequel to the Kick-Ass, which should see the screen light in 2012, but Mark Millar, the man who imagined adventures of these "superheros" have very clear directions to continue. First, Red Mist will be very, very bad. If you saw the first movie, you know the declaration of war made by Red Mist at the end after taking over his father's business. It seems that the villain's fate with granny voice is very clear. Neither Dave and Mindy will certainly not stay away from the machinations of The Red Mist, all culminating in a great battle between the heroes and the negative team led by the ever-growing superhero without superpowers, but full of good intentions around the two positive heroes . Kick-Ass 2 Balls to the Wall movie trailer will be here as soon as possible.

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